Saturday, August 18, 2018

Alkaline water and the alkaline diet

Ionized water machines are improving the lives of people all over the world. 
Many people are buying alkaline water by the gallon just to get the health benefits that comes from drinking mineral rich alkaline water. 
You see, our bodies are slightly alkaline are pH balance is around 7.0 to 7.5 in a healthy human body. 
Alkaline water has a very high pH while bottled water and other sources have a pH of around 7.0 at the highest. 
If you are looking to get a better healthier and live longer you may want to stop eating the wrong foods! 
The wrong foods are foods that are very acidic soda pop has a very low pH acidic foods like dairy products meet candies and sugars all go into the body to become acidic and as acid builds up it can become toxic dangerous to one's health and weakened the immune system. With a weakened immune system many diseases can form and the body one of which is cancer, diabetes, from the buildup of sugars in the body and other toxins that the body can no longer dispose of natural way.
 When I tell you that ionized water machines are not a scam or a fad or some way to take your money believe me your health is worth way more than the price of an ionized water machine remember these are certified medical devices used all over Japan one out of eight households in Japan have alkaline water or acidic water for washing dishes or washing their face beauty water in Japan it is called kangen water it is also very frequently used in Korea.

Many of the scientists that are testing these waters found that people who drink these waters are high in pH and very alkaline because of the natural minerals found in the water in some of these remote places around the world these people in the communities frequently live 100 or more years!

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